Molybdenum Disulfide in Isopropanol is a specifically formulated dry film lubricant with remarkable features. This product is manufactured to the stringent requirements of Military Specification MIL-L-24478. It is best known for its use as a solid lubricant on various applicators or metal parts. If you work with Moly or are new to its properties, it is important to know its technical features so you know what you’re working with and its reaction to certain chemicals. You will save time, money, and potential injury by learning to properly navigate its uses, counteractions, and safety features. Don’t know where to begin? We have a quick, informative Moly tech guide right here! 

Composition of Molybdenum Disulfide in Isopropanol

Molybdenum Disulfide is a powder represented by the chemical formula Mos2. It is lead-gray to black and is naturally a powder although it is used as a solid lubricant commercially. The Isopropanol acts solely as a carrier agent. Here are some important chemicals features you should know:

  • The coefficient of friction of Molybdenum Disulfide is scientifically measured to be between 0.03 and 0.06. This means that it is stable in neutral or reducing atmospheres up to 1400 to 1500 degrees celsius.
  • It provides non-corrosive lubrication where control of impurities is required. 
  • It has an oxidation rate that falls in temperatures below 37 degrees celsius and rises above 56 degrees celsius. 
  • Molybdenum Disulfide does not react chemically and dissolves only in strongly oxidizing acids. 
  • Molybdenum Disulfide is not soluble in ordinary aqueous or organic solvent. 

Molybdenum Disulfide in Isopropanol simply contains a mixture of MOS2 and Isopropanol. It is water-resistant, stable, and soluble in concentrated nitric and aqua. According to studies, it reacts with wine and chlorine with mild heating and combines with oxygen at room temperature. 


Molybdenum is commercially used as a lubricant and works effectively as such. It adds strength, hardness, and resistance against corrosion and wear or tear. As a lubricant, it thoroughly lubricates moving parts, rubbing surfaces, and threaded parts. It provides an easy and non-destructive assembly.

Other areas of use include:

  • Drills 
  • Lubricants
  • Missiles
  • Engines
  • Saw blades
  • Circuit boards 
  • Shipboards 
  • Electric heaters
  • Boilers

Molybdenum Disulfide tech features

These are per Molybdenum Disulfide’s physical and chemical properties

Physical features: 

  • Physical State: Liquid
  • Odor: None reported.
  • pH: Not available.
  • Vapor Pressure: Not available.
  • Vapor Density: 5.51
  • Evaporation Rate: Not available.
  • Viscosity: Not available.
  • Boiling Point: Not available.
  • Decomposition Temperature: Not available. 
  • Diluent: Isopropanol 
  • Shelf Life: No limit if stores in a closed container

Chemical features:

  • Solubility: Soluble in aqua regia and sulfuric acid 
  • Specific Gravity/Density: Not available. 
  • Molecular Formula: MoS2
  • Molecular Weight: 160.07
  • Chemical Stability: Stability unknown.
  • Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible materials, dust generation, strong oxidants.
  • Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, hydrogen peroxides, potassium nitrate. 
  • Hazardous Decomposition Products: Oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, oxides of molybdenum.
  • Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reported.

Moly tech composition

An 8 ounce bottle contains premixed Molybdenum Disulfide and Isopropanol. Ensure that you read your bottle properly before use. Each bottle needs to be shaken vigorously before use (at least for a minute). Shields or masks are required when using the product and areas prone to contamination need to be equally protected. After application, the mixture needs to dry thoroughly and areas need to be rechecked for contamination. Molybdenum Disulfide can be removed with acetone, denatured alcohol, or isopropanol. If there is any remaining liquid after use, it needs to be disposed of properly or stored in a closed container that would not leak. 

Get your Molybdenum Disulfide in Isopropanol today!

As you can see from the tech features and specs listed, when it comes to Molybdenum Disulfide, the benefits are endless. Whether you need it as a lubricant adhesive or for circuit boards, it is the quickest, cost-effective, and sustainable solution. Molybdenum Disulfide can be complicated to work with if you are a first-timer. It has technical features that impact its effectiveness, as well as hazardous features that can cause harm to those who do not know better. This is why you need to carefully read the instructions and make use of professional services for any feedback or concerns you may have. It is better to ask than assume and waste your precious time and money. 

If you are having trouble with understanding the instructions or if you need assistance with its application, our team is available to lend you a helping ear! Be sure to contact us today for expert advice and solutions for your company!