Military Spec Lubricants and Sealants

MilSpec MIL-L-24131C provides the quality requirements for a noncorrosive, dry, adherent lubricant consisting of a colloidal dispersion of graphite in isopropanol, intended for use with metal parts having limited clearances in applications where control of impurities is required.

What are MilSpec lubricants?

The US Department of Defense (DOD) has developed a series of technical specifications called Military Standard, MIL-STD and Military Specifications, MIL-SPEC.

Informally called MilSpecs, these quality documents are designed to achieve standardization and the highest quality for products procured for the Navy, Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps.

They cover everything from lubricants to almost every supply they buy. These specifications help establish interoperability of parts, systems, and supplies so that they meet all minimum requirements, are common among suppliers, reliable in the field, are compatible with the armed forces logistics systems, and generally ensure our warfighters always have the best possible equipment in the field.

nuclear power plant

Why buy Neolube Milspec?

Since Neolube is widely used in nuclear power plants including the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, the specifications for performance and purity are paramount. The product is authorized for use in submarines meeting the stringent requirements of the Nuclear Powered Submarine Atmosphere Control Manual (S9510-AB-ATM-010/(U)).

The performance as a dry lubricant has been proven in over 50 years of continuous use by the US Navy Submarine Force. The lubrication performance and consistency from package to package are remarkable. Its use in more industrial applications is becoming more and more widespread as companies recognize the ability of Neolube to prevent thread galling and its superior performance generally as an anti-seize lubricant for stainless steel and aluminum fasteners.

Why buy MilSpec MIL-L-24131C?

These standards and specifications from DOD are also used by many other non-defense government agencies, global technical organizations, and industries all over the world. When you buy “MilSpec” quality Neolube, you can be assured that you get the highest quality product that is exactly repeatable from package to package.

  • Quality testing that is traceable
  • Safe packaging for shipping
  • Only the highest quality isopropyl alcohol will be used for the volatile diluent
  • Binder and dispersant will be nonionic organic materials which are not corrosive to metals
  • Binder and dispersant will form a dry film which holds the graphite to the surface to which the lubricant is applied
  • Will not form a hard unstirrable cake on settling in storage. It will be able to be stirred and restored to fully usable for at least 6 months after being opened
  • The graphite will be electric furnace graphite, 99 percent purity or higher
  • Dried solids from the lubricant shall contain 75 percent ± 5 percent graphite
  • Contaminants of Ash, Fluorine, Chlorine, Sulfur, and Lead will be held to extremely low levels in every batch
female scientist testing chemical purity of industrial lubricant
  • The dried film of graphite will withstand light abrasion without exposing the metal underneath
  • The lubricant will apply easily, forming a continuous coverage of the metal with no exposure in coated areas
  • Further purity is guaranteed because no Lead, Mercury, or Boron is used anywhere in the manufacturing
  • Reports are on file for all testing for performance and purity
  • Testing procedures have been fully documented and are 100% repeatable from batch to batch
  • Packaging will be in accordance with MIL-STD-129 for flammable liquids

Get a landed price for your Military Spec Lubricant or Sealant, NEOLUBE® order.

Before we can give you a landed price there are a few details which we will need.

Not all fields are required but in order to assure the most accurate quote possible, it is helpful for us to know a shipping address or zip code at the very least. Within our quote, we can also provide you with air and ground shipping options.

It is also important that you indicate if certification is required, because the certification fee may also be included in the quote.


2301 16th St, Port Huron, MI 48060

Copyright © 2022 Huron Industries Inc. All rights reserved. Neolube® is a registered trademark of Huron Industries, Inc.